Predictors of youth intention towards investment in Mutual Funds,
Journal of Information and Research,
ISSN:1526-4726 (ABDC-C Category), Volume 3 |Special Issue 2 | 2023. 172- 182
Analyzing the factors influencing the investment decision-making in IPO with reference to Indian investors,
European Chemical Bulletin 2023,
ISSN: 2063-5346 (Scopus)., Volume 12 | Special Issue 8 | 2023. 5503-5516
Carbon Credit Accounting -Perception among CA’s with special reference to India,
European Chemical Bulletin 12, Special issue 7,
ISSN: 2063-5346 (Scopus). Pg no- 6430-6437
A study of factors affecting the Indian consumer’s purchase decision towards green tea,
Journal of Harbin Engineering University,
ISSN: 1006-7043(Scopus), Volume 44 | Issue 7 | July 2023. 1449-1458
Impact of Brand personality on Consumer behavior of Genz: study of instant food,
World Journal of Management and Economics, (ABDC-C Category),
ISSN: 1819-8643(Scopus), Volume 16 | Special Issue 03 | 2023. 48-58
Factors influencing investment decision to invest in stock market: a survey of individual investors across Delhi-NCR region,
Journal of Propulsion Technology,
ISSN: 1001-4055, Volume 44 | 2023. no 4 5840-5856
Factors that affect the investor’s decision on investing through trading Apps,
Korean Review of international studies,
ISSN-1226-4741 (ABDC-C Category), Volume 16 | Special Issue 07 | September 2023. 75-89
Indian youth’s intention to opt for Sustainable fashion consumption decision,
European Chemical Bulletin 2023,
Volume 12 | Special Issue 10 | 2023. 11013-11026
Factors influencing student’s intention to enroll in a B-school: Study in Delhi region,
Empirical Economic letters 22(special issue 1) July 2023,
ISSN-1681-8997 (ABDC-C Category).Volume 22 | Special Issue 1 | July 2023
A quantitative study on the factors influencing the intention to use CBDC in Delhi NCR,
Korean Review of international studies,
ISSN: 1226-4741(ABDC-C Category).Volume 16|Special Issue 08|November23
Female Micro- Entrepreneurship and gender driven constraints: A qualitative study of lived experiences in Indian context,
World Journal of Management and Economics.
ISSN: 1819-8643 (ABDC-C Category).Volume 16|Special Issue 03|2023.81- 113
The Study of influence of Instagram on consumer purchase intention,
Journal of Research administration,
ISSN:1539-1590, Volume 5 | Issue 2 | 2023. 9474- 9490
Perception of youth towards starting a new venture
World Journal of Management and Economics, (ABDC-C Category),
ISSN: 1819-8643(Scopus), Volume 16 | Special Issue 04 | 2023. 149-164
Factors Influencing the Decision behaviour of Gen Z to invest in cryptocurrency
An application of UTAUT Model
Journal of informatics education and research
ISSN: 1526-4726 , VOL 4. ISSUE 1, 2024. 612-623